Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Obama Must Fail in his Socialist Agenda or else!

There is much discussion right now regarding a comment that Rush Limbaugh made about wanting Obama to fail in his attempt to create European style socialism here in America. I agree wholehartedly.

Socialism has been off the radar screen since the mid to late 1980s when the Russia's USSR fell apart and Communism's major threat to the world disintegrated from within.

In the twenty years since the USSR tore itself apart, very quietly the Democratic Party has been moving more and more towards a national policy that seems very reminiscent of that failed effort by the Russians. Now we are hearing it openly advocated under the name of "change" by our President. Creation of a national health care plan where there is no freedom of choice for patients to choose their own doctors or for doctors to decide what treatment is best for their patients. Bureaucrats in Washington will have the final say-so. According to now Vice-President Joe Biden's plan, seniors with life-threatening diseases may be told that they just have to die; that the State will not pay the costs to extend their lives or for any radical or experimental treatments to extend their lives or hopefully cure the disease.

Now they are saying it is our Patriotic Duty to pay higher taxes. That is the biggest crock of B.S. I have ever heard! Why should I be forced to pay higher taxes for a policy that I absolutely detest? Why should I be forced to pay higher taxes so the President can buy the votes of the deadbeats in this nation by sending checks to a bunch of individuals who pay no taxes in the first place? Why should I be forced to pay higher taxes to pay for a health care program that I do not need, nor do I want to participate in? Why should I be forced to pay higher taxes to pay for an $8 billion railroad from Los Angeles to Las Vegas so that Harry Reid's constituants can be the receipients of gambling revenues on the "fast-track", so-to-speak? Why should I be forced to pay higher taxes when my religious beliefs do not allow abortions and I think that act is a criminal offense?

Yes! I want President Obama to fail! I want his tax and spend and grow big government agenda to fail! I want his policies of taxing the rich and giving refunds to deadbeats that pay no taxes and get welfare checks to fail! I want his policy of forcing nationalized healthcare down my throat to fail. I hope he falls on his face politically speaking.

The Declaration of Independence opens with this paragraph:
"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."
There are some things that are just wrong. What this President is doing to this nation is wrong. What the Democratic leadership is doing to this congress is wrong. It is time for another revolution. Our Congress and our political system is broken beyond repair. It is time the people rise up and throw every one of these hypocrits out of office and start fresh!

History teaches that when a nation reaches the state where we are now; e.g., the political leaders realize that they can buy votes by taxing the rich and those that produce and giving those taxes to the masses who produce nothing, then that nation is soon to be a bankrupt, if not destroyed nation. That is where America is right now, and if we go too far down this road, we will never be able to reverse that trend without another armed revolution like occured in 1776. God help America; God bless America.

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