Wednesday, July 11, 2012


     Once again, “freedom” has won out. Charles Kincaid and a host of individuals from Monroe's African American community were up in arms at the Monroe City Council meeting last night over a proposed ordinance to make wearing one's pants so that they “sag”, exposing one's underwear. This is a common attire among the black youth in Monroe and across the country.
      First let me say that I find this type of dress very offensive, the same as I find much of the modern dress that young people are wearing these days. Are we to outlaw halter tops, or see-through blouses where women's bras, or lack of bras is embarassingly evident? Are we to outlaw string bikinis, or men's Speedos? Are we to outlaw see-through shorts where one's pink-print bikini underwear are evident? I see worse than the sagging pants with underwear showing every time I walk into Wal-Mart.
     While I and millions upon millions of other Americans find the dress code that people with no pride and morals choose to exhibit themselves in disgusting and offensive, passing more laws to stop it simply will not work. As Mr. Kincaid stated, it leads to selective enforcement, profiling, and violations of civil rights. Too bad that America has let its morals and image degrade to that of a brothel or skid row flop-house.
     Yes, the courts say we cannot adjudicate morality, but when we fail to do so, we certainly do, by default, adjudicate immorality, crime, and VERY poor dress taste. This is NOT the America our founders envisioned, and the interpretations of the Constitution by our courts over the last sixty years are NOT in concordance with what our founders believed were required for our nation to survive and flourish.
     Here are some of the comments that our founding fathers made about America's absolute dependance upon religion and morality as pillars to our nation's foundation and survival:
Probably, at the time of the adoption of The Constitution, and of the Amendment to it now under consideration, the general, if not the universal, sentiment in America was that Christianity ought to receive encouragement from The State…An attempt to level all religions and to make it a matter of state policy to hold all in utter Indifference would have created universal disapprobation [disapproval] if not universal indignation [anger].” Joseph Story, A Familiar Exposition of the Constitution of the United States (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1854), p. 259-261, §441, 444; see also Story, Commentaries, Vol. III, p. 726, §1868.
What is an establishment of religion…It [religion] must be considered as the foundation on which the whole structure rests….In this age there can be no substitute for Christianity; that, in its general principles, is the great conservative element on which we must rely for the purity and permanence of free institutions.  That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants.”1853-1854 HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE REPORTS
We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion….Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.  It is wholly inadequate to the government of any others” John Adams, The Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States, Charles Frances Adams, editor (Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1854), Vol. IX, p. 229, to the Officers of the First Brigade of the Third Division of the Militia of Massachusetts on October 11, 1798.
Three points of doctrine, the belief of which, forms the foundation of all morality.  The first is the existence of a  God; the second is the immorality of the human soul; and the third is a future state of rewards and punishments…. Suppose it possible for a man to disbelieve either of these articles of faith and that man will have no conscience…the laws of man may bind him in chains or may put him to death, but they can never make him wise, virtuous, or happy. John Quincy Adams, Letters of John Quincy Adams to His Son on the Bible and its Teachings (Auburn: James M. Alden, 1850), pp. 22-23.
Reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.  Purity of morals [is] the only sure foundation of public happiness in any country….Religion and morality are the essential pillars of civil society” George Washington, Address of George Washington, President of the United States . . .Preparatory to His Declination (Baltimore: George and Henry S. Keatinge, 1796), pp. 22-23.
     To even the casual observer, it is evident from these writings of our founders that the decisions that our Supreme Court have made over the last sixty years which have adjudicated religion out of school and the public sector were simply wrong. Our Supreme Court created the monster of Judicial Activism and started adjudicating the law of the land according to whatever social agenda was in vogue at the time. That was not the intention of our founding fathers, and those decisions have brought us to a point where morality and decency as the founders envisioned it is now illegal in almost every form. Christianity is the enemy, pornography, immorality, murder of unborn children, heterosexual marriage, and the common sense approach that our founders used in establishing this nation are now illegal. Condemnation of anything representing the views of our founders is one of the new “gods”, misguidely labled as “freedom of speech”. There is no moral code in schools or the public sector any more. America has virtually become an amoral society thanks to liberals who seek to turn America into a totally amoral, godless society where ones conscience and the Government's definition of morality is the rule of the land, rather than what our founders tried to protect and establish as they fought and died to found our nation.
     Shame on those that have perpetrated this injustice on America, and shame on us for letting them get away with it.

Thank God for Music that stirs and moves our spirits!...

     People are motivated by many different stimuli; a beautiful sunrise or sunset, the snow swirling around a mountain top on a day when it feels like one can just put out one's hand and touch the sun and clouds; the sound of a dove cooing when the rest of the world is still and quiet. All these things make my heart stir, make me smile, and bring peace to my spirit.
     Music is another stimuli that stirs my soul, and tonight on a movie called “Country Strong”, I saw one of the most amazing performances of a song I have ever seen, and for me that is saying a lot. Yes, I understand that this is a two year old movie, but I would not watch it before...for many reasons, but flipping through the channels last night, I saw it and watched it and was absolutely spellbound.
     To make a list of them all the performances that come to mind that “move” me would be too time-consuming, and probably boring, but tonight, I saw one of the most amazing total package performances, at least in my opinion, that has ever graced a movie screen, when Gwyneth Paltrow, in the closing number of her comeback performance as Kelly Canter, a Nashville Country Music superstar that is recovering from losing a baby and a serious addiction problem sings a song “Coming Home”, and suddenly, I was just sucked right into her heart, and her into mine.
     Country Strong overall was a “good” movie, but not a great movie, and there are parts that make it's PG-13 rating seem too conservative, so I would not let my children under seventeen go see that movie unaccompanied. But Paltrow's performance is worthy of note, especially in the finale where she sings “Coming Home”.  In that song, there is great symbolism as she is singing it while home movies of her early childhood are playing in the background. The lyrics of the song are obviously speaking her heart as they did to mine.
     The typical drama of the superstar who does not necessarily want the fame, but her husband promotes her and is pushing her back to performing before she is really ready to leave rehab sets the mood, and then events that happen during her attempts to come back and perform set the stage for a make-or-break night where if she does not perform at superstar level, she is washed up.
     Paltrow's performance where she is doing her stage show is great. I was amazed at the quality of the girl's voice, and I think that Paltrow never has to worry about making a living, because she would be a screaming success as a singer in any genre if she ever decided to give up acting.
     All throughout her stage show, she does fast, slow, and in-between songs, but when she starts her finale, her whole demeanor changes. She is performing, but it is more than that, she is singing her farewell song, and she is announcing to the world that she is “going home”, but not her earthly home.
     Here are the lyrics to “Coming Home”; as she sings it, and here is a link to a You Tube video of her performance; I encourage anyone to watch it; it is moving...very moving. my heart was broken for her; I felt her pain. She made me believe she was Kelly Canter, and that she finally knew where her pain would stop, when she went home.
It's a four letter word
A place you go to heal your hurt
It's an altar, it's a shelter
One place you're always welcome
A pink flamingo, double wide
One bedroom in a high rise
A mansion on a hill
Where the memories always will
Keep you company whenever you're alone
After all of my running
I'm finally coming
Home - the world tried to break me
I found a road to take me
Home - there ain't nothing but a blue sky now
After all of my running,
I'm finally coming... Home
Well they say it's where the heart is
And I guess the hardest part is
When your heart is broken
And you're lost out in the great wide open
Looking for a map
For finding your way back
To where you belong
Oh well that's where I belong
Home - the world tried to break me
I found a road to take me
Home - there ain't nothing but a blue sky now
After all of my running
I'm finally coming... Home
Home - the world tried to break me
I found a road to take me
Home - there ain't nothing but a blue sky now
After all of my running, I'm finally coming...
After all of my running
I'm finally coming... Home
     It touched my soul. There are only a few songs that can do that. “God Bless America”, “The Lord's Prayer”, “America the Beautiful”, they all stir my heart and fill me with gratitude. When Barbra Streisand sang “With One More Look at You” in “A Star is Born”, I felt her pain and her victory as she displayed the emotions she felt over losing her husband, then finding the strength to come back and perform. When a trio of amazingly talented singers sang "Hallelujah, We've Been Found" at our church Christmas program in 2009, , I felt the wonder that Mary, the mother of Christ must have felt when she beheld her infant child, knowing that she looked into the face of God and the Messiah.  When I heard a Marine Corps Sergeant bugle “TAPS” at my Uncle Bubba's funeral, I felt the loss and the mournful sorrow that those notes echo as they have been played at innumerable military funerals and I saw the beauty, courage, respect, honor and dignity that the honor guard displayed to my uncle's children as they folded and presented the flag from his casket.
     Yes, music is a great gift that God has given us to touch our souls when the spoken word might fall short. Music gives us solace in times of sadness, worship in the time of intimacy with God, empathy in the time of mourning, and excitement in the time of celebration. It has been a long time since I saw a performance such as I saw Gwyneth Paltrow display last night as I watched the conclusion of “Country Strong”. I hope I see another one soon.